August 5, 2011

Our new boat

Yesterday we drove down to Fort Myers with my number one grandson to pick up our new (to us) pocket cruiser, a 17 foot Sovereign. It needs a paint job. The previous owner had already sanded it down so she looks a little scruffy but otherwise seems to be in great shape with lots of extras. We wanted a stable, sturdy little cruiser that we could use around here on the lakes or take over to Tampa Bay for a weekend and I think this will do great.

The trip home was one of our more interesting trips. We didn't want to get on 75 because it was a new trailer to us so we ended up taking a bunch of lonely roads homes. Driving through Fort Myers looking for a restaurant to have dinner my grandson, who was driving the truck with the boat, pulled into some fancy yacht club entrance because he wanted to have a conference about dinner. I was waiting for people to come running out screaming about our little scruffy boat in their parking lot. They didn't and we proceeded on down the road and found a wonderful Thai sushi restaurant which made number one grandson very happy.

So on toward home we go looking for a gas station for gas and to put a little in one of the trailer tires. We kept passing them. Then one of the trailer lights (which weren't working) started dangling so we called him and he apparently thought we were saying something about turning right so he did and did and did, did a complete square until we were back on 41. So another phone call and he turned right again. This road led to a cemetery where we taped the light up, turned around and once again proceeded still looking for a gas station.

We finally found one and by that time I was driving the van and my daughter was riding with her son who apparently can get lost in a bathtub. After driving around for about 45 minutes we finally arrived at US 17. Finally a road I recognized. At last I had some hope we were going to find our way home.

About an hour later we noticed a tie down strap was dangling, the excess part, so another phone call and this time he pulled into a mobile home park. Lovely. Ten o'clock at night. Doors started opening, people peering out. Fixed that. Then about two miles from home we noticed one of the trailer tires was smoking. Oh, boy. Another stop, this time at a thankfully deserted boat ramp. Waited for the tire to cool down and then the final dash home.

I love my number one grandson. He spent his day off with us doing a bunch of stuff and didn't grumble. He can do a lot of things, very handy young man, but he can't back up a trailer. After 15 minutes it was finally in the driveway and we were all exhausted.

I did notice that our scruffy looking pocket attracted attention whenever we stopped, lots of smiles and, "Nice boat." We may start a riot once we get it painted. So now we continue our adventures.

August 2, 2011

New boat

Today we bought a 17 foot pocket cruiser, Sovereign 17. It is in Fort Myers so we have to work out schedules on picking it up. Can't wait to get back on the water

March 24, 2011

slow time

Because of various other activities in life boating and boat building has slowed down dramatically.  Children and grandchildren seem to have a big effect on one's plans especially in our case.  But with summer showing up early in Florida this year no doubt we'll be back at it soon.

February 25, 2011

Warm afternoon

I got the keel set up on a ruff dolly to make it easier to work on the keel. Spent the afternoon shaping and sanding the keel, also worked on a hand rail. I bought the cap board today. I hope to be able to get it on the keel this weekend-we'll see.

February 21, 2011

winters day

Today was a school holiday so instead of working on the boat I spent the day with my son. We went to the lake and did a shake down run on his puddle duck sailboat.

February 18, 2011

Into the glue pot

Finally, I had a day off and the weather was good all at the same time. I pre drilled the holes in one set of the keel boards with a countersink. When I put everything together this seemed to help. The glue was kind of weird, easy to mix,but it kept having lumps. Hopefully the lumps don't give me any problems. Today I plan on getting the keel ready for the cap board-shaping and sanding.

February 7, 2011

Moving forward

We now have the keel and stem cut out.  It's now ready to be glued and screwed together.  Unfortunately Susan has to work the next two days so it's on hold until Thursday and hopefully we'll have the right temperature to get it done.  Living in Florida has a lot of advantages when you're building a boat.

Going to the lumber companies (we have two besides the usual Home Depot and Lowe's) she has found out somebody else in town is building a boat.  And we're in a medium size town in Central Florida.  I think whoever it is has got a head start on us because when she goes looking for something he's already been there looking for it.  Great minds think alike?  Anne

February 4, 2011


After agonizing over it all night and all morning Susan decided to go get more wood and redo the keel because it was just a bit off.  I think that's a prudent decision since the keel is like the foundation of the boat and since I don't swim very good I want this thing to sail good. So onward we go.  Anne

saws and other tools

I had no idea what went into picking out a circular saw.  It's been a week of researching, going to stores and picking them up because the weight is a big consideration, comparing blade sizes and how easy they were to get new blades, more internet researching, more store visiting, and finally yesterday a new circular saw which appears to be working out fine.  I think the keel looks pretty good but we'll see what the boat builder decides to do.  Definitely need some saw horses.

February 3, 2011

First cut

Today I made the first cut on our pocket cruiser. I cut out the keel. Don't think I did a great job though, I might end up recutting the whole thing. I am going to sleep on it.  I bought a new circular saw today because I needed something light that I could handle. I bought the craftsman evolv.  I had to do all the cutting on the ground and now I can hardly move. I am going to have to get some work tables, for my health. On the up side our boat may not be perfect, but she will definitely have a lot of character when she is done. Can only imagine the paint job the kids will all pick out.